It has been a busy few weeks as we kick off a new season of MIteen Writers. Ms. Ward, our faculty adviser, changed school districts which has opened up some cool new connections and collaborations. We've added new voices and writers to our editorial staff from multiple schools.
And, just the other day MIteen Writers was featured on the TED-Ed blog! Be sure to click over to the site and read all about how MIteen Writers got its start last year!
How many times are you told to "be quiet" during the course of a day? Well, here is your opportunity to speak up! We want your personal essays about topics you are passionate about. Write a personal essay about an inspiring or profound life lesson you have learned. Your essay should be between 700 - 1,000 words.
Here are some helpful writing tips:Writing a personal essay requires intense self-examination. Please use these suggestions to help guide your drafting process:
On January 1st, we kicked off our Instagram account with our first daily writing prompt. Be sure to follow us on Instagram so that you can write along with us! Each day we'll be sharing a new prompt to inspire your daily writing endeavors. Join us! And don't forget to use #writing365 to share your creations!
September 2017
CategoriesFollow us on Instagram for daily writing prompts!